The Libre Software Meeting 18 took place in Strasbourg from July 07 to 12, 2018, on the central campus of the University. The event was organized by the Federation, supported by the association Hackstub, with the support of the City and University of Strasbourg, FSFE, Shadok, Médiathèque André Malraux and @ppli. The theme of the 2018 edition was digital education: “Digital education, a factory of captivity or new emancipation?”.
No less than 200 speakers were programmed over five days in a variety of formats: conferences, workshops, chatrooms, debates, panel discussions, etc. A self-managed hackerspace was accessible at the Shadok during the event as well as an associative village called "village du Libre", with numerous Libre stands. The week also included some highlights, including a Libre meal at the FEC place St-Étienne, a performance and concert evening at the Shadok and a Libre evening (Libre music) at the Salle des Colonnes (see Laiterie).
Find all the information about the event online, by following the link at the top of the page.
To see the videos of the speeches, here is the PeerTube instance of the volunteer capture team and the Canal2C instance of the capture team of the Strasbourg faculty.
The visual identity of the LSM 18 was presented at the LGM 20 (Libre Graphics Meeting) by videoconference on Thursday May 28th, 2020.
Here is the excerpt video as well as the text in french and in english.
Apart from the first three photographs which come from the Mastodon instance of the LSM 18, all textual and graphical contents are distributed under the EUPL 1.2 license. The website is a fork of OSEM (MIT license), developed by OpenSUSE, whose code is accessible on Github.
Fonts :
- Open Sans by Steve Matteson available under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
- Space Mono by Colophon Foundry available under the SIL Open Font License v1.1.
Main: Harmonie Vo Viet Ahn--Meyer, Ada, Tsanta Razafimanantsoa, Manu.
Volunteers: Aleks, Jean, Jules, Phillippine, Marc, Bookynette, Nadège, Marie-France, Claude, Cécile, Garfield, Irina, Janka, Jyhem, Legaume, Ljf, Adeline, Franck, Mhep, Sandhose, Syme, Elisa, Neelfyn, Philippe, Eric, Erik, Cryptie.
Visual identity, graphic design, development: Marjorie Ober and Nicolas Chesnais.