
Publisher Hacktub
Local law association (Bas-Rhin, Haut-Rhin and Moselle)
Siret N°: 810 535 773 00016
Headquarters: Hackstub Association
C/O Harmonie VO VIET ANH
6, rue François-Xavier Richter

Director of the publication: Harmonie VO VIET ANH, President of the association
Contact : bureau [AT] hackstub [POINT] netlib [POINT] re

Information on the processing of personal data

The Hackstub association collects personal information from users registering on the forum.
The user provides this information with full knowledge of the facts, especially when he enters it himself.
The Hackstub association does not carry out any transaction with this data.

Right of access and rectification of personal information

The user has the right to access and modify data concerning him/her.
To do so, the user can log himself/herself on our forum to make any useful modification.
In case of difficulties, you can reach us via our contact address.

Limitation of liability

The Hackstub could not be held responsible for direct or indirect damage (material destruction, physical or mental injury, loss of market or chance) resulting from the use of the site.

Intellectual property

The contents are written by the organization's volunteers. The texts present on the site do not pretend to be of any originality.
The Hackstub logo was produced by Nicolas Chesnais under the Free Art 1.3 License (sources).
The graphics were produced by Marjorie Ober under EUPL 1.2 license.
The website was developed with GRAV and translated with Deepl.
Fonts : VG5000 by Justin Bihan, SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1, 2018, Québec by Victor Gaultney, Annie Olsen and Pablo Ugerman, SIL Open Font License, 1. 1, 2016 and Dauphine by Alexandre Leray, Stéphanie Vilayphiou, Charles Mazé and Coline Sunier, SIL Open Font License, 1.1, 2012.